We are proud to launch our new concept of calisthenics and Fitness for kids and teenagers.6-14 years old

It's about giving your child the best advantage possible on life. We all know that sport is very important for a healthy life but it's also important to benefit from a healthy growth and development.
But what is it exactly?
Calisthenics is a special practice of fitness using the bodyweight. It's basically the old time gymnastic from antique greece including a bit of modernity.
We are using parallel bars , single bars , rings , floor etc...
You might have heard about those...
Muscle ups , pull ups , push ups , human flag , front lever ... these are the figures that are part of calisthenics.
Of course getting there takes time and an experienced trainer.

My experience:
like some of you might know , i m personal trainer in calisthenics for 13-14 years now.
I teach kids from 2 to seniors of 90 years .
The benefits for your child:
By working on it's body , your child will develop capacities he will be able to use for every sport at school or beside.The gains in calisthenics are easily transferable to other disciplines (run faster , stronger in every sport or martial arts...)
And a very big advantage will be his mindset. Your child will understand that when he fight for something (in the sense of working i mean) he can accomplish everything.
That s the kind of mindset we develop through calisthenics
When are the classes ?
Every tuesdays and thursdays 16H in the big room.
For the 6-14 years old
The subscriptions are done her https://www.rythmeandsoul.com/shop-1
on the dance school website and by trimester
you can chose 1H or 2 h per week
You can come and have a free trial once .
See you soon
Linden Kevin
Master trainer